Drowning Prevention
The club aims to promote drowning prevention messages within the local community throughout the year by attending local events, schools and clubs. For example, each year the club supports the RLSS Drowning Prevention Week and attends the Eastbourne Safety in Action Week with the ESFRS. If you would like the club to attend one of your events, to give a water safety talk or lifesaving session, please contact us
Events and safety cover
The club aims to support local clubs and events in ensuring the safety of their participants and the public. For example, the club supports the Council Lifeguards at Airbourne and provides safety support for the Eastbourne Rowing Regatta and Eastbourne Triathlon, to name but a few. If you would like the club to attend one of your events, to assist in water safety cover or to provide lifeguards, please contact us
Community Life Support
The RLSS UK’s Community Life Support programme teaches adult resuscitation and aims to provide important lifesaving information to local communities. The workshops educate people in what to do in emergency situations and equips them with the necessary skills to assist adults who have stopped breathing, are choking, or who are suffering from a heart attack. Each year thousands of needless deaths could have been prevented if there was someone who had been trained to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The more members of the public who are trained in resuscitation and first aid, the more lives can be saved.
Save a Baby’s Life
Save a Baby’s Life is one of the RLSS UK’s community programmes, which aims to provide important lifesaving information to local communities. Save a Baby’s Life workshops are designed to introduce anyone who cares for a baby – be they parents, grandparents, guardians, friends, babysitters or even older siblings – to some basic emergency action skills for when a baby stops breathing through chocking or drowning.