Rookie Lifeguard
& Lifesaving Award Session
Thursday Nights 7-7.45pm at Eastbourne College
This session will include Rookies working in small groups towards the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Bolt-on Rookie Lifeguard Awards for those aged 8+. This session will also include a Survive and Save Awards to be taught over the term for those aged 12+. The first term’s Survive and Save Awards will be focused on Core and Medallion Awards, including life support.
Lifesaving Sport & Fitness Session
Thursday Nights 7.50-8.35pm at Eastbourne College
This structure session is aimed at members who hold or have held a lifesaving award and are aged 13+, to include adults and masters. The session will be based around the development of fitness and lifesaving sport skills, whilst maintaining basic lifesaving skills from the awards. For this session, adults who may have other commitments may pay a weekly fee of £4 on the door. Places are limited by the number of instructors, therefore if you wish to secure a place please pay termly.
Saturdays 10:30-12:00 at the Clubhouse (Starts April 15th)
Nippers is a beach education program that introduces children aged 8+ to lifesaving. The program is about children participating in safe, fun and organised activities in a beach environment; preparing them to be future lifeguards.
Please email evlgnippers@outlook.com for more information!
More Info
Rookie Lifeguard
The Rookie Lifeguard programme is a fun and exciting water safety ward scheme for children aged 8-12 years old. Rookie Lifeguard teaches children how to stay safe around water and what to do in an emergency, in a fun and engaging way. The award contains survival, rescue and sport skills as well as life support and water safety elements. There are thirteen core awards and eight speciality awards for participants to work through to grow and develop skills. RLSS UK delivers approximately 70,000 Rookie Lifeguard awards to children across the UK each year. For more information speak to your Rookie Instructor or visit www.rlss.org.uk or contact us
RLSS UK Survive & Save
RLSS UK Survive & Save flagship programme is the lifesaving awards programme for teens and adults (12 years+). The awards are challenging but fun to complete. They are arranged into Bronze, Silver and Gold levels to ensure the continuous development of lifesaving skills through the progression of the awards. Participants can choose any one of Medallion, Beach, Stillwater or Sport programmes as areas to specialise in for each category. The awards teach lifesaving rescue, self-rescue, survival and lifesaving sport skills, alongside the development of swimming fitness and ability. For more information visit www.rlss.org.uk or contact us
National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Qualification (NVBLQ)
The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has teamed up with Surf Life Saving Association (SLSA) Wales and Surf Life Saving (SLS) GB to develop a new national standard for beach lifeguarding. The NVBLQ will provide the learner with an introduction to all elements of beach lifeguard theory, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, pool skills and open water skills. The course is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times and lifting. The NVBLQ is comprised of a variety of unity and all must be successfully passed to attain the qualification. The course is a minimum of 40 hours long followed by a practical assessment on beach theory, life support, first aid, swimming pool practical and open water practical. Upon qualifying with the NVBLQ, the certificate is valid for two years from the date of successful completion. For more information visit www.rlss.org.uk or visit www.slsgb.org.uk or contact us